Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ugly Cry

We had a special musical guest at church today.  Just let me say his voice was wonderful and his songs were beautiful.  One of the songs he sang was about a couple where the husband told his wife before he died that he would draw an arrow on the banks of the River Jordon pointing the way to heaven and he would wait for her to go and meet Jesus.  So of course being the emotional train wreck that I am these days, I flat out ugly cried.  It just meant so much to me since we lost my grandpa last year at Christmastime.  He and my grandma had been married 67 years and it has been such a loss for our whole family, but especially her.  Right before my grandpa died, he and my grandmother had been in separate hospitals for various reasons. My grandpa got out first and when my mom took him to visit my grandma, his first words to her, "Where have you been?  I have been looking all over for you!"  Another time when he was in the hospital, we took my grandma to visit and everyone else had gone out of the room and I was just standing right outside the door, I overheard them talking.  She was standing beside the bed and he was holding her hand.  He told her that he had been thinking about her.  She asked him don't you have anything better to think about?  His sweet reply was, no I don't reckon I do.  I hope that D and I are as happy and as in love as they were for 67 years.  Just so you know, I cried again while writing this.  I am trying to brighten my mood with Christmas music...but then hearing about a baby that had no crib for a bed brings tears to my eyes too!  Emotional train wreck I say!

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